Difference between natural and organic farming

Natural farming and organic farming are similar in that they both aim to minimize the use of synthetic inputs, such as pesticides and fertilizers, and to work with natural processes and ecosystems. However, there are some key differences between the two approaches:

  1. Standards and certification: Organic farming has defined standards and guidelines that must be followed in order to be certified as organic. Natural farming does not have a set of standards that must be followed and is not required to be certified.

  2. Synthetic inputs: Organic farming is allowed to use some synthetic inputs, such as certain types of pesticides and fertilizers, as long as they are on the approved list of the certifying agency. Natural farming, on the other hand, aims to minimize the use of all synthetic inputs as much as possible.

  3. Approach to pests and diseases: Organic farming may use natural methods, such as releasing beneficial insects, to control pests and diseases. However, it may also use synthetic pesticides as a last resort. Natural farming, on the other hand, seeks to rely on natural methods as much as possible and may use synthetic inputs only in extreme cases.

  4. Soil health: Both organic and natural farming aim to promote healthy soil, but natural farming may place a greater emphasis on mimicking natural systems and processes in order to maintain soil health.

Overall, natural farming is a more holistic and ecosystem-based approach to farming that aims to minimize interference with natural processes as much as possible. Organic farming, on the other hand, follows a set of defined standards and may use some synthetic inputs in order to produce crops and animals in a sustainable and environmentally-friendly way.